On a brisk Saturday morning in July, we gathered on the hill overlooking the Passaic River, but I don’t think anyone noticed, because the excitement of gath-ering again in person was refreshing for all of us.
It had been a while since I last laid eyes on many of my Cursillista brothers and sis-ters. We were filled with joy and antici-pated the presentations of the speakers.
We began by sharing the successes and or disappointments we had experienced in our efforts to Evangelize; how our actions may have helped to bring the spirit of Christ to others.
Our group named ‘Eight Fish and One Loaf ‘discussed our efforts and desire to bring our families into a deeper understanding of Christ working in our lives. We quickly realized this was a common theme among us; and questioned why it was so challeng-ing. After listening to the presenters, we felt certain that in order to reach others and our families we had to cast our net further and not be selective in our ap-proach. Reinforcing what we learned post Cursillo, opening our eyes to see Christ in others, being consistent, persistent and unyielding in our stand for God and his call to us. Our goal to reach others must be reinforced through our daily actions Mat and Kathy Glowski shared examples of leadership, and a call to make a dif-ference. Msgr. Paul Bochicchio re-minded us that before we can take someone to Jesus, we have to come to him and ask for guidance on how to approach. He broke down the parable of the seed sower sharing the degrees of receiving the word. Our group con-cluded that the roadblocks we create in our minds must be removed in order to share the message God wants us to im-part to others. Marion McGowan re-minded us that the kindness shown to us during our lives must be paid forward and can be the avenue in bringing one closer to Christ.
Overall, I feel we left the hill with a rejuvenation and commit-ment to continue the journey despite the obstacles, accepting the commission given to bring more disciples to God.