Rector Betsy Saksen is thanking our Lord Jesus and all those who have helped this weekend become a real-ity. With many postponements and delays, with the Holy Spirit as Guide, the weekend will take place October 6 — 9, 2022 at the Casa in Kearny.
The theme is “Sing to the Glory of the Lord”. Betsy’s team includes Kelly Enright, Angel, who will give the Piety Rollo; Joanne Godlewski, Ideals; Maureen Bodnar, Laity; Patty Martinez, Study; Chinwe Osondu, Action; Debbie Mastroeni, Leaders; Sandy Bondarowicz, Environments; and Agnes Czaplinski, Christianity in Action. Personal contacts are Betsy Mathisen and Irene DeBer-nardo. Music Minister is Nicole Nerli. Spiritual Advisors are Fr. John Gordon, Fr. Ernie Rush and Sr. Linda Klaiss. Patty Landon is Support Rector. The Service Team is led by Anne Ventola and Judy Faley with Mary Jo D’Errico as Kitchen Chief. Supporting them is Melissa McKittrick. Check out the web site for Candidates names and start writing Palanca!!
Sponsor’s Mass is 8 p.m. on Oct. 6.