“Ultreya” is a Spanish word that means “onward”! It is an essential part of the Cursillo movement. Ultreya refers to a reunion or gathering where individuals come together to share their faith experiences, strengthen one another, make new friends, and provide mutual support. It is an atmosphere of enthusiasm where the participants can truly witness the experience of loving God. It is a place where several friendship groups from many parishes come together as one community.
If you attended a Cursillo weekend, an Ultreya is a great way to keep the flame of Cursillo burning brightly as we relive the weekend experience and encounter other Cursillistas who are growing and evangelizing their environments.
What is a typical Ultreya like?
Ultreya’s never just happen, they are always planned with the efforts of a team. They are typically sponsored by a previous Cursillo weekend leader’s parish, by the Cursillo movement itself or by special arrangement with the Lay Director.
A typical Ultreya agenda includes: Welcome Message (especially newcomers), Opening Prayer, Song, Small Group Reunion (including sharing closest moments to Christ), Witness Talk (or Rollo), Lay Summation (or Echo talk), Spiritual Summation by a member of the clergy and closing song/prayer. Length is about 1-1.5 hrs.
When are Ultreyas scheduled?
Please check the “News and Events” page for the next scheduled Ultreya and location. If you would like to host a future Ultreya, please contact the Lay Director for further information regarding the Ultreya format.
Who should attend?
All are invited! If you are new to Cursillo and are considering attending a future Cursillo weekend, an Ultreya is a great way to experience Cursillo working in the lives of those that previously made a weekend. Several Ultreya’s are hosted each year at multiple parishes throughout the Archdiocese.